Monday, 30 January 2012

pictures that make me laugh.... and so happy to be me!!!

costa rica walking to teh beach with my chikas ....

doing the chiken in out christmas skit!!!

can you find me!!??
my welcome home party....

welcome home party with some good old friends...

one week has come and gone in van!...

well ive been home now for 1 week can you believe it.. i cant it feels already like for ever a go since i was on the baches of costa rica...

its been amazing this week.. from a welcome home party country style at the burbon to giving 5 massages ... one night meditation out of my appartment... and seeing friends from elementry school... its a amzing and im a feeling so great!

now this week my plan is... get a web page for me and get it hooked up with a online sign up (bookings) for sessions... get buisness cards printed... get registered under extended medical as i had alreday tryed last week and went onto the wrong site! ... so many things to be excited about!!

and then clients for this week... i hope to do at least 2 a day thsi week!!! and i alreday have ppl asking so i have got to get a day timer to geep up with all my request's !!!

then some thing elts very cool happend... as i was shopping in costco today my cell phone rang... funny that this call came through cuz i have to say my phone has not been working at all missing text messages and not getting calls commingin... anyways thi scall i got while shopping was my mom she had gone to a sycic and was getting a reading done... whe she arrived the man started asking her about me!.... asking how i smichaela didnt i see her before... ? my mom answered with yes he asked how is michaela and if michaela had a bf.... my mom answered with no but she is doing great and just came back from costa rica .. he was very surprised to hear that i didnt have a boy friend and said " michaela if she does not have one yet will have one very soon and i also see a baby for her in the next year" ... my mom could not wait to call me and tell me this .. as i sat on the other line i was shocked .... i stood in sotco in my swade leperd print booties and black ripped jeans and my bright pink lipstic... in aw as i have had thsi vision for a while now that by the gae 26 i woudl be married and be getting ready or having a baby!!! amazing...

we will all have to keep posted to this as i my self am very excited to see what happens but have no expectations as i do not want to rush into any thing if it is not right....

anyways seems as though my live is some how all ways very exciting and you just never know what will be posted from one day to another!!

anyways its getting late as i listen to the rain belt on my window.. good night to you all ...
xox M!!!

Friday, 27 January 2012

home and getting down to buisness ...

well its been a very interesting week.. get home last sat and so happy to be home!

ive been trying to see as many ppl as i can this week ... and start 5 days a week massage this week comming! even though i say this though i have alreday done 4 massages!!! and loving it.. ive also looked into registering my self in BC so that ppl can write it off in BC but having a little trouble with that as the one site i went to the woment said that it didnt in clude me but i knwo it does so i have to now take the tame to find out how i get into doing this process...

its also been very hard with out a cell phone trying to connect with ppl over face book but i am all set up now and the phone is working!!! but i did have a incidnt where i was to massage some one and we didnt connect properly and i missed out session.. felt horrble... but were only humen and and mistakes happen.

i find it so hard to keep a open mind peace and love in my life but im doing i.... have to not get caught up in the city life and just be here for me... living loving laughing for me...

well i gtg start my day realy wanting to go for a walk!! and i have a welcome home party tonight witch i am so excited for!!

any ways love you guys xox


Sunday, 22 January 2012

first full day home and 3 massages down!!

so i had a amazing dya today starting with my 5 am meditation... then vsiting with my dad amd big dinner at my moms house!! cant way im loving the rain and cold weather but so excited still to be home!

i can not believe it but i have all reda started massages .... ive done one grounding massage working on the legs .. two head massages crazy!!!

its amazing how much i love it though and find my self getting more into a meditative state now that im not having to massage in a room full of ppl but able just to focus on my neergy with my client!

i hope all of are doing well .. missing all my class mates and hoping they are having tons of fun in costa rica still

xox goon night for now!

outting out in san jose! photos

central park san jose..

car seats any

hotel and staying in san jose!!!

first tv in 3 months... a big screen in my hotel room...

my big king bed but only thing had a big crack down the middle!

my room...

yes !! a english tv show!!

Grad !! photos!!!

start off with dancing!

getting ready to be reborn as a rebalencer

down the cannel and reborn again!

last day at the beach in costa rica !! getting ready for grad!

getting ready for grad!!

my last session with LUZ ... :(


beth ready to start her session!

all our teachers : menlha , peter, brandy and david


first morning back amazing expieriance...

wow so it smy first morning back and last night i was sure i would sleep in after a long day of travel... but no i woke up at 530am and had this longing of meditation i went to grab my i pod and set up a shrine... at first i hought ill just put on some osho and do a sitting meditation but then i saw the koondalini meditation and that was calling my name... so i turned on my i pod stood up in my room and started the prosses .. i say prosses because any one who has done it know it is one! you start of with shaking... you hole body what ever feels right as i did this i started crying a huge release cam .. i guess when i went into it and asked why i felt so at home and had just been appreciating how much home means to me... and how even though i am in vancouver i am still staying grounded and i was appreciating my own needs and that i ws doing this... next was dancing omg it felt so good to be in a candle lit dark room dancing away as i danced i saw white light and started sweeping my body of any bad energy i might have picked up on the way home... then it was a gong even though im not in costa rica the gong sounds has traveled with me and yes i had a gong!! then sitting .. i sat on two pillows as you see in the picture and cryed some more... i feel so good now its amazing ...

ive also realy been wanting to go to church for the past year now and so im gonna mke it happen i had this strong feeling as i sat in meditation that my nana and uncle (hwo have passed) were sitting beside me in white might then as i meditated saw this white haylo around the crown shokra!! and all of a sudden this neeed to call up my uncles wife an ask her to go with me every sunday as i know she did this with my nana and how great would that be to have some support in this prosses so guess what im doing that today!!

also on my list is to see my dadio... so excited to me home and alredy things ae setting into place .. never would i think i would have such a drive to create this life style this well being for my self but im doing it!!

my chikas in costa rica still was thinking about you right before i started my meditation ... missing you all and know you are all on your own jurney two !!

love you all xox M

Saturday, 21 January 2012

landed in vancouver after a 12 hour flight home!

what a jurney it has been ... left san hose at 730 am and flew to atlanta where there was a thunder storm awaiting our arrival as we arrived we were told there was a closure to the air port and we had to fly in the air for 1.5 hours till the storm passed ... as we got off i had to then find my luggage and re check into the us!! its was a very big process... then flew from atlanta where my next destonation was minniapolis it was funny cuz the hole 3 rides i sat next to men .... my first flight from san jose i sat with two old men whos wives were sitting on the other row ... then the next flight to minniapolis was a mad who was going to work in alaska !! and a another man that only stayed a few mins as he got bumpped to buisness class... but very cute funny thing was i got caught reading a book called bodymind ... and i was on the chapter of sex and oragsims and both of them were reading over my sholder didnt take long till they were asking what are you reading lol.. i shrugged it off with ho just a massage book... the guy going to alaska then chatted me up saying he has always wanted to get in that line of work... very funny as he was the most burley man i have ever seen... next was my flight out of minniapolis to vancouver where i was sitting with 4 guys all offering me gum and chatting me up again i pulled out the book and started reading and the guy sitting next to me this time asked is it ok to read over your shoulder lol... so funny . we ended up chatting the hold flight his name is greg and i gave him my e mail... very nice guy he then though got so into the book he took it right out of my hands and started reading he was very interested and i pin pointed the good ;) parts lol...

so if any of you fellow class mate are reading this pull out the book and hello men!!! lol

after a realy long day ... mom picked me up and we went for a realy nice dinner wheer i then thought i might surpire my gf's and meet them at rusters but as i was getting ready and mom looked up the google map we relized just how far it was!!

unfortunetly i was un able to go....

now i sit in a bed with fire burning and no bug net .... looking forward what tomorrow bring sand loving the feeling of home !

on my way to san jose...

thsi morning at 8 am menlhas car was packed and ready to go.. david menlha and joane a friend of menlhas and i all jamed in the car and headed off to san jose!!

as we were half way melhas car started acting up we pulled off at the side of the road thinking we had a flat tire but nope not the case.. seems as though the axel might have been off as the steering wheel was shaking and the wheels wobbling.. but we carried on... menlha dropped david and i off a a shopping center when she was gonna do some shopping for hocienda and we grab a taxi to out down town san hose..thank goodness david had a room next so i felt safe as i am use to having beth next to me ... protecting me from and creature about to open out door lol

san jose is very but like mexico ... i fins it has little markets ppl dressed from the 80s lol and police and security every where !!

the hotel room was not to bad a king size bed that was two beds pushed together to make one... a huge ass flat screen tv!! who would have thought lol very strange after 3 months of no tv i watched Seinfeld ...

after david and i got settled we went for a stroll.. its amazing the climate change from hacienda to san jose it is very chilly as it has more clouds and wind here in san jose... brr i have my jeans and a poncho on with runner and am still a lil chilly ... as we walk we went to a central park witch had these amazing statues and then to a little street market where i bought my dads gift!! its very cool but dont want to ruin the surprise to ill tell you later what it is!

at about 5pm we went for dinner to this little cafe that was vegetarian i was a little skeptical but in the end i think i had the best vegie burger ever!!! mmmm then back to the hotel to watch Seinfeld and hit the sack as i had to get up at 345 am to be picked up by a taxi to take me to the air port!! where i sit now awaiting my flight!!

my flight well as you may know i am a little bit chicken when it comes to flights!! i packed my back and left alot be hind so that i would not have to re pack my bag at the air port but guess what i was 5 pounds over and they made me re pack it...i have a back pack filled with books and computers and my purse hold a dress and a pair of pants hair blow dryer straighter and much more...

and on top of all this i have just found out that my bags can not be checked all the way through so i will have to pick them up at each layover !! not fun!

ok well i gtg

love you lots and hope fully i make it home safe and sounds...

ps beth i hope you are all settled love you chika !!miss you alreday!

Thursday, 19 January 2012

im a body worker!!

whoo hoo i did it im a body worker!!

i can not believe it!! its 12 am and you shoudl be proud of me as there was a big party at the bech and i was in the first car home!! i think im too excited to come home to party away tonight!! i had a glass of wine but did not wanna get drunk.. so got a ride home with a class mate!

its was amazing from graduation where we were crawling through a line of pillows with teachers and students lined up on either side and we crawled to the end of the line its was liek being in a woom as every one tryd to hold you back and you had to make your way out the line where you were greeted by some one!! amazing!!

then we had every one red out each other buddys bio.. if you recall my last blog we all had to write a bio or a blurb about our selfs.. i wish my partner gave me back mine but he kept we did this then as we al stood in a sircle david dj'd and had a ong for each one of us where we danced alone in the middle of the circle as it was or turn!! then after you danced you got your certificate!!

its been a amazing expieriance and i hae also learnt that a ton of my class mates are reading my blog soo... they all wanan know what i will get up to after this and thsi is a nother reason to keep blogging!!!

i have to say with out all of you i wouldnt be so determined to blog.. lol never in a million years would i think i would be comming home from a grad partty to blog!! how things change ..

now to find me my future husband i did see a shppting star while i was at te beach .. maybe this means there are good things to come xox

love you all

also if love hearing form all of you by e mail or face book so dont feel shy to respond!!

its been amazing rekindeling old friend ships..

also would love to hang out and catch up when im back in town xox !!

see you very soon!

wow today has realy shown me how muc i have grown !!

wow i graduate tonight!! i have learnt so much and today has realy shown that through going to the beach and wanting to take pictures of every ones femminen side! im also rocking a braided leaf tiara !!! for grad my inner godess is comming out!!

its amzing the growth i have had and cant wait for all you to see it first hand!

im relizing that i do hold back my emotions and that i am scared to be hurt!! i seem so open but do realy watch how i connect with ppl and how much i tell them..

i have started something i donno what it is at hoem but ive been so strait up told him that i want flowers he need to take me out to dinner and needs to treat me better then i treat my self.. but in doing this i also told him i dont trust what he tells me when he says he would do any thing for me .. when does nay girl get told that and im crushing that buy saying i dont believe you... i am noticing this and want to embrace it and just alow love to flow....

i hope he still feels the same way as i have been pretty harsh ..

but life goes on.. every thing is a lesssion!!

any way ill be posting tons of photos after tonight!! xox

home in two days !! cant wait to see you all

ps i have decided to keep my blog after im done here at hocienda as i want to keep my word to all the things i have learnt here and knwo all of you are so valuable in this prosses !! so luck you you will hear all about my jurney at hoem too!!! cant waut to tell you all about my new beginings !!

ps i know its kinda late to tell you thsi but im a bad speller ha ha

xox thats for all your good vibes! xox love you!

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

only 3 more sleeps and im home!

just finished my last ever session with my partner !!! i can not believe it only one more session tomorrow and then we graduate ... after tomorrow night i will be a certified massage therepist!! i can not believe it!

im sitting in my cabina in my bug netted coverd bed listning to new music i have down loaded from our classes and also have down laoded music for meditations and yoga!! i am so excited to use all of these skills at home!

tomorrow night after garduation we will have a party on teh beach till late then i leave 930 am friday to san jose !! ahh... so excited!!

my life here in costa rica is not comming to a end but starting its new jurney home to snowing vancouver....

this monring they made us write a little blurb about our selfs what we woudl put in a flyer or on our door as a add this is how mine goes...

LIVING,LOVING,LAUGHING rebalencing body work with michaela negrin. heal your body from the inside out with deep tissue, joint release, and gustalt .

ill write what i really said when i get it back but that is the basis .. so excited to make flyers and get buisness cards!!

anyways bed time for me, tomorrow will only be the begining of a new way of living and a exciting new carrier!!

xox M

second last day and session six is shown to us ... the seacret bum hole hold...

well well well we have all been talking about session 6... the bum hold hold.. well guess what there was a request for it so we all learnt ittoday!! there are 3 to 4 hold you can do ... its very intrusive but gives you a great release... some ppl this can be pain ful for as we get taught at a young age to hold our anouse tight.. dont we call potty training.. this can creat problems liek constipation and tention in our bum holes... so these hold reales that tenstion ...

very interesting.. so who wants to try it out lol...any takers...

its finny i have a list of thing i need to get for starting up my practice in van ... gloves i think will bethe last thing on the list ... as we have also learnt how to massage the inside of the mouth ... luckly both these sessions are not done at once lol... so we can use different gloves!

ha ha ha

anyways i thought you all would enjoy to hear about session 6 mianly as its been well talked about!!

love you all lots xox ... home in 3 days!!whoo hoo..

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

sitting in my cabina missing the sweet simple things of life...

just finished class cryed today and relized that i am missing being loved... i feel i have learnt to love my self .. but missing a good big hug and kiss on the cheek .. a one on oen talk with some one close to me... the comforting touch of my parents... the voice of my brother down the hall... the feeling of waking up to coffee brewing and knowing moms in the other room...

well just got inturoupted by a turantula.... a big one... so time to stop talking but cant wait for home sweet home... maybe its the idea that some one here might now like me and decided to trash my stuff...or my dress...for i have not bad feelings to any oen here and thought there was love here ...

just wanting to be with ppl i love!!!

xox good night

went from enjoying my self in my last few days to packed and pissed off...GOOD VIBES ...

ok so ive gone through alot here ... and i dont think any thing quite tops what has just happened to me here at hocienda!!!

i had decided that i would pack today and get my stuff ready so that i can enjoy my last two full days here ... when i went down to the laundry line to check my clothing... i started pulling my items off the line and then saw some thing very strange !!! a dress of mine lying on the clothing line with the slip hanging out and no outer layer of the dress .. just the very top for the dress was hanging so that the slip was way longer then my dress... i walked closer thinking to my self naw that must be folded up wrong... but NO ... not the case!! SOME ONE!! has done a strait cut with sicers to my dress!!! i am so mad i went strait to menlha and aksed if one of her girls would do this she said no and the wierd thing was that it was perfectly hung on the line!!! so i think some one took sicers in the past two days and cut right around my dress .. just in despite... now who would do this or has a grudge i have no idea... but not nice i would never think in a million years to do this to some one!!! all i know is Karma is a Bitch !! so watch out who ever you are!

anyways its gotten me feeling mad and watching my back thats for sure !! i can not believe that this kinda thing would happen here !!

so knowing i have had mold... spiders ... getting lost and sleeping in the wild... shit my self ... astro traveled ... and the list goes on this by far is the wierdest thing so far...

i have no explination for this...

but bags are packed and 4 days till im in van thank god!!! i feel like im on a roller coster but so happy for the expieriance and the time i have had here !!

ok ok good vibes....

love you all xox M

Monday, 16 January 2012

photos of today... monday 4 days left to go...

4 full days left here in costa rica!

wow .. its wrapping up so fats here i just can not believe it!

tonight a few of us girls left hacienda at 2pm and headed out to a hotel where they had a pool and restaurant looking over the ocean and sun set!! we swam and a few cock tails and reminisced about out trip here and how much we have all changed.

i had two realy cool chats with these two women who gave me such cool comments!! one told me how it seams as we all have our own compass and and said that she see's her self and a few others zig zagging and when she looks at me she see's me in one direction ... then we got to talking about the future and she told me she can see me getting married in a year or two ... and she says two because one is so soon but could def see it in one!! and its just so weird cuz as i have said before i two have this strong feeling that this could happen ... its a gut feeling and other ppl are having this feeling to witch is so cool!!

the other complement i got was that I am so grounded and non judgmental here that the girls find me so easy to be around and talk to. and i was just saying to some one here that i feel like i have learn't here to have no expectations so that when some one does some thing or acts a certain way i am not disappointed or critiquing... doesnt mean i dont get annoyed by ppls actions but that i know that the annoyance is my own thing.. some thing they are doing is triggering me... and rather then putting blame looking at my self...

so very big things going on today!!!

then we got back from our little trip out and came to class and we learn't all about the business side of our course how to start up your own practice. how to be professional. how much to charge. what you need to creat a session... and so much more!!

just amazing how much we are realy learning here !!

anyways i gtg almost bed time and i have a few pics to post of today as well ..

love you all lots xox m

ps always looking for referrals!!

last few days here at hocienda ...

well it sure has been a jurney and its almost coming to a end... Today i have my 2nd last massage with my client ... as most of you know i will be working on a split my clients split is right and left side of body so today we will do her weeker side witch is her right side.. its sad to go and know that we are all going our seperate ways but know that this bond we have all made is so strong an that we are all here no matter where we are to support each other.

talking about support... i have been a little up set but trying not to let this get me donw... when i talk about wha has happened ppl start asking well what did you do and it gets me up set so please dont talk to me about it i just wanna soo as you all know on this past weeknd i went out and stayed in nosara ... the plan was that we were all to stay at casey's and that still was the plan at the end of that night as when we were on our way out the club we got a guy to give us a lift to her house.. but it was dark and we got lost we were ridding around on the back of thsi motor sycle for about 2hrs.. crazy!! our bums still have war wounds... so then we got takken to a beach but thats not safe to sleep at so we tried hotels ad they were all closed and then we got ditched back at the disco.. im making it quick as i wrote all about it already... well casey was dissapointed i donno why ... but unfortunetly i have tried to reach out and ask her why she is mad and tried to talk to her but i feel as though i get the cold shoulder... its not very nice to feel this way and im sure she is feeling hurt too.. but felt we had such a strong friends ship here that i cant believe that this littel miss hap has torn it a part as it appears.. and a bummer that this has happened in the last week of our course! but im moving right ahead and keeping strong knowing that i have appologised and tried to reach out. i want to finish here with a open heart and no regrets to keep strong friendships and be open to what ever comes and cherrish all the momnets casey ray and i had! as i would not take back one second!

soo what is a head.... looking as short term thsi is what it looks like!!

mon- clinic with our cliencts .. and maybe going to a restraunt for dinnera nd a swim..

tuesday- practice and maybe learning baout the buisness side of things..

wensday - practice talking about our last session and give our partners our last session ..

thursday - clinic day give our clients thier last session and graduation!!

friday- 930 am leave hocienda drive to san jose for 6 hrs and then stay the night at a hotel .

sat - leave san jose 730 flight arrive in van at 740 pm!!

how sweet is that!!!

i can tell you one thing im not gonna miss the laundry either by hand here or 6$ for washing and another 6$ for drying...

well your all caught up now and i have to go get ready for my client!!

love you all lots xox M

Saturday, 14 January 2012

its not fried banana its fried monkey!!

In costa Rica they dont have fried banana but they do have fried Monkey!!

the power goes out here in costa rica at least once a week and most the time a monkey has been trying to cross the road and trys to swing on the power lines... well the poor monkey gets fried and we have to wait at least a few hours for some one to come fix the lines....

poor monkeys!!


who would have thought panthers roaming the beach!

soo i had planned on hitting up the black beach today but plans changed when i got wind that there were two bby black panthers on black beach !

when you hear there are babies you know there will be a moms some where near as well... so we all had to stay clear of that beach today!! makes me thing what elts is out there roaming about ... when i have been walking every where late at night in the dark night....

this sure changes my perspective on walking late at night or even during the day... do wanna end up being some things dinner with only 7 days left to go...

also notting that we still have not yet found the terantula that was crawling around in our cabina !! he could be under our bed for all we know and we have found out that they have up to 3000 babies.. ewe!!! my only hope is that if it does hatch babies that it takes longer then 9days to hatch them as after that i will be gone!!! and back in van!!

so less then a week now till i arrive home i can not believe it !! but heard that vancouver has SNOW!! and they are still expecting more snow... i knew that it woudl hold out till i came back!! lol brr i can only imagine how cold it will be when i get off that plane!! but it will be well worth it to come home and see all of you!!

anyways its about dinner time and im a smelly sweaty girl so gotta hop in the shower...

bye for now xox

lots of love , M

Friday, 13 January 2012

jurney home....

after sleeping at the disco we hitch our first ride!!

the second ride we hitched !!! a big green dumo truck ...

the big green dump truck !





chris a guy we met at the restraunt while having dinner he also came to the disco!! very cute i call him my ken doll lol...

live music!!!

ray caseys bf and chris taking part in the live music!!!

at the disco!!! elnor Luz and I

got lost in costa rica!!!

so i thought i would go out onel last time in costa rica before heading home!! BAD IDEA!!

4 of us went into nosara a little city about 3 citys away from wheer we are staying... and had dinner and went to a disco... we were all going to stay at caseys bf's house in nosara ... but... they left and so did our other friends and me and one other girls were left at the disco... with no taxi in site!

soo we asked a guy out side the disco fi he would not mind girving us a ride on the back of his motor cycle to our friends place!! little did we know this would just be the beggining of our night as we were unable to find our friend house in the dark!!! we had no phone and stuck weith no hotals open or willing to take us in... soo first stop was a beach where we tried to sleep ... i lay down on a log where i passed out ... anout a hour later my friend woek me and said we were gonna go soem where elts we hopped back onto the motorcycle and away we went little did we know he was taking us back to teh disco to leave us in the dust!!

my friend and i ended up sleeping in nosara on a bench out side the disco... at 6 am i woek up ready to go home... still no taxi in site and just us in our dresses and flip flops .. we started to walk... about 15 minutes later a truck passed and we flag him down he speas no enlish and try to use hand gestures to tell him just take up as far as you can...he ended up dropping us off just out side of nosara at a gass theer we were back on our feet... as we treked some more a american couple were running by and started to laugh at us ... they aked us what we were doing and why we were up thsi early in the morning as we looked a little under the weather and definetly out of place!! we told them what had happened and they laghed some more at us then we told them where we needed to get to and they asked you realy think you can make it there? but we kept faith that we could and kept on going about 20 mins later we were about to have to cross a river and a big honking green dump truck rolled up we thought there is no way this truck is going to pick us up!! bt guess what he did !! he took us a few miles then had to stopp at a farm where we then go out and started walking again!! about 10 minutes later a white toyota drives by looking like its not going to stop but then does a few feet away we run up and relize they are 3 guys from teh US LOSS VEGAS!! they tell us to get in nad will give us a ride ...well we tell them our story and they think it pretty funny.. they tell us that they were not going to pick us up but when they relizefd we were not ticos.. that what they call the locals here they stopped and relized we looked a little out of place! they brought us a few bocks from home as we staret to walk down the hill to hocienda a womens husband drives by and tells us to hop in the back of his truck and he takes us to the drive way ... it then was 8am and we had just made it back for breakfast...evey one started to get the gist of our story and could not believe it...

definetly a story i will never for get!!

i haev pictures i will post so you can all see what we were going through

lots of love

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


Wow i have been stressed out to say the least stomach growling and taking time for my self as i thought the flighst were never gonna pull through.. you see my ticket was booked for the 25th and i realy want to go home asap!! then i heard that it was gonna be a extra 500 for a change of flights and that i would need to stay in san jose alone or have soem one escort me as i didnt wanna be alone in a city i dont know.. my parents were even thinking of paying soem one to go with me to san jose and then stay with me at a hotel and get me to the air port this is how bad of a traveler i am... can you tell why i was stressed lol.. realy was not funny through threw my eyes...

i have just had confermation though that my flight is booked i will be escorted to san jose a 5 hour drive from hocienda by menlha then will stay in a hotel over night in san jose with menlhas ex husband as we will eb leaving on the 21st as well ... my flight leaves at 730 am and his at 230pm... witch works out great for i wont feel lonley!!

I will arrive in van at 740 pm !!! i am soo freaking excited!!

not i just have one week to go after tomorrow and kapeesh !!!

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

tuseday and the living is easy...

wow well only 9 more days can you tell im counting down??

im trying so hard to finish this up on a positve note and feel completely compleat with what i have learnt and acknowledging the new me...

how am i doing this well to day i did a meditation with my self while lying in the mud bath here at hocienda... you can do thsi too .. as i found it amazing... I started to repeat a question to my self....

"what do i like about my self"

it was amazing what came up things i would never have thought about my self but hwen you have to ask this question over and over again the more things you have to come up with if you get stuck say the question again and trust me theer will be more! it made me feel great!! i was like wow i am all of these things... and the kicker is ppl say these thing to you every day but most the time you just shrug them off as you dont believe it your self... but when you say it to your self you relize these things are true.. as you would not lie to your self...

how ever i have been struggling as my flights have been giving me a little bit of stress as i was realy hpping to leave right after i graduate on the 19th!!! and want to get a flight out of liberia but relizing thsi might not happen has crushed me hope and set me back a little as i was realy excited to pack up and leave and head home after the course ... i feel like my time here will have come to a end and i just wanna come home and start to begin my new life style in van!!

after trying to accept that i may only be abale to get a flight out of liberia on the 22 or 23rd i read my horiscope and could not believe what it said!!! here it is.... its so true and i just had to laugh as i have been over whelmed and a littel agitated with all the flight deteails....

Today's Horoscope Gemini:
May 22 - June 21
Daily Lucky Number Right now, many things are not going as smoothly as you planned. Perhaps you should just accept the things you cannot change. Swallow your disappointment at the setback and concentrate on things which lie ahead. Even if it takes a little longer, you will reach your goal with enough persistence and patience.

this made me open my eyes the the univers might be telling me to relax and that this might just be a test to see how i cope with stress and the reality of life back in van... as im not even there yet but the future is already pressing my buttons... if i can see this and work on coping meconizems these two weeks ... what a gift that will be and i will be that more ready to go home....

as you see im am still learing and still processing!! bring it on!!

as i have learnt to look not only from a insode perseption but a out side one as well....

Verry cool!!!!

love you all xox M


Monday, 9 January 2012

not one tarantula but two!!

OK SOO... I THINK IM READY TO COEM HOME... i thought i was good with all these animals around me... but last night proved me wrong...

at 11 30 pm i was about to turn off teh lights and shut down my computer when i saw a what i thought was big tarantula sitting on our door of our cabina ...its was big and blakc with brown hair.. so nasty.. There was no way i was gonna capture that thing.. im good at killing things but horrble at trapping... mean while Beth was all chill and saying what where and oh lets take a picture and we have to let it go you cant kill it...

well the night had just begun after a tarantula photo shoot lol ... we got a plasic container and a piece of paper and took it all the way down to the end of the property where beth not I LET HIM GO...

so we come back to our cabina not it 1230 and were cheking it all out seeing if we see any more spider and tucking our selves in our bed... i go to just annnounce that there was a tarantula in my cabina when i look up and see a even biggr one !!! crawling under beths bed!! no i yell and jump op and stand on my bed as beth is trapped in her bad... im like omg omg Beth its even bigger and its behind your bed now ... she says your joking right... not believing me .. but i keep freaking out.. she says well im trapped so this time you have to get it!! there was no chance in hell i was capturing that thing as we had just found out through google that they shoot thier hairs at pretetors!! no thank you and we had no idea how far the shoot thier hair! soo beth had to pull through aging but the spider now had crawlen up the side of her bed and on a bag that was hanging!! this was getting tricky!!

beth this time used a book as this was a big one !! and used the plastic container again... also this took a broom to get the spider on the floor! I donno how but she did it... she got him trapped and we made our way once again out of the property and lethim go... if it was my choice i woudl be killing it and making sure those buggers never come back ....

geeesh arent those what sandles are fore any ways?? sqaush...

By 130 we finaly got some shut eye... this morning i gotta say was a little hard to get out of bed but we have our last structured massage today where we have to follow out book and then the last three will be what ever we want!!! how exciting is that!!

anyways time is flying by here and i have to go get my self grounded for this session!! only 12 more days to !!

xox love you all M

Sunday, 8 January 2012

funny things are happening...


Soo ho of you knows the singer SADE??

Well since there is no internet we have been playing lots of music during the day!! And this is one of the artist we have been listening too… as I sat on a chair singing and Beth typed away she started to explain how when she was my age her I pod had exactly the same music on it as mine does now and how weird that is….

Then she say’s ahh Michaela this isn’t SADE is it … pronounced (SHAWDAY)

And I said NO … ITS SADE … pronounced (S A D E)

Beth started to laugh and I looked at her and said “is that the same person?”

Yes !! she said…

lol ive thought for ever that her name was S A D E !! HOW MUCH OF A LOOSER AM I HA AH!!

Geese really learning some valuable lesions here …

You see this is not the first time this has happened as on Christmas Beth was my secret Santa ( so the point of that is that you don’t know who gave you the girft) and gave me a Poem by Rumi and when I opened it I turned to her and said thank you! She had no idea how I knew it was form her so when we got back to the room later on in the morning she asked me soo how did you know that the gift was from me? I said do you really want to know? She said YES… and I said because you signed it off RUMI (meaning I thought it was a nick name spelling for roomy lol)

Yes I am a little slow!! But I got to say we have had some great laughs!!

sat ... still with out communication!

Well its Jan 7th Saturday and still no internet… today we started practicing session 7… this session is all about the head and neck! This is a exciting session as it is our last structured massage lesion… 8 9 & 10 will all me made up by our selves… how exciting is that! And can you believe it we only have 2 more weeks here at hacienda Del sol? I sure can’t!

After class I felt like I really needed to some how find a way to contact the out side world soo I took a walk to the nearest store half a hour away … where I was able for 2$ get a 10 minute calling card … I bought for of them! It took me a while to figure out how to use it as I had no idea that I had to know the country code… for Canada this is 001 if you did not know this as I didn’t… I hope im not the only one who does not know this… I felt a little ripped off after as when I finally got through the card told me I only had 7minutes and not 10.. as it said it would be!! As I started to call home I tried my mom first as she is booking my flight home through points.. and we have to change it form the 25th to the 20th of jan … soo what do you think happened lol.. she didn’t have her phone on!! So then I called the office and guess what!! no answer I started thinking shit… im going to run out of minutes at this rate and not have talked to any one.. But Trusty dadio always has his cell phone on.. and he pulled through once again.. he was at work and I think a little confused when he heard hey dadio on the other end of the phone as im sure he thought there is no way Michaela could be calling me .. there was a silence then he was like Kayla? I said YEP !! DAD I ONLY HAVE 7 MINUTES lol… it was pretty funny! Anyways in the end it all worked out he got a hold of my mom and they now had the costa rica # and hopefully they will call me back with the details on Monday ! …

Then the day went on with more class and all I could think about was calling lol… more contact with the world as I could not go on the computer … soo what did I do I got out my trusty calling card and called momma … she had just finished tennis and was surprised to hear my voice… she let me know that she had talked to dadio and they were figuring it all out … no need to worry… but then she tells me that she is booking a flight for her self… to PALM DESERT.. I love Palm desert… almost every year I go now and I def would hate to miss this year out lol.. so I perked up well can I come?? She was like omg Michaela what am I going to do with you.. I said well when would you go and she said Feb 16th!! How perfect is that I will be home!! I told her I would give free massages!! If she took me!! & that maybe this could be my valentine’s gift…fingers crossed I get to go!

Now I sit here in my cabana under my bug net in my bed typing away wondering what tomorrow will bring …. And in visioning the internet being up and running tomorrow so I can post all of these posts for you too read as it might be a lot for you to catch up with if things keep going at this rate!

Anyways night time has come and the bug beds are all ready for me … so you sleep tight and try not to let your bug beds bite…

Xox M

friday night in costa rica and no internet or out side communication..

Well its Friday night and there has been no internet and all phone lines are down… for the past two days.. I thought I was home sick a few days ago now I am really missing home!

I have been wondering what every one is doing at home and how im going to change my flight to Liberia while im am unable to contact any one…

Yesterday, Thursday we had session 6 with our clients. It was realy good and time went by so fast as were all ended our massages late.. and went over the time limit.. but our clients were sure happy. As you all know I have not been feeling so well been sick to my stomach and had this horrible back pain where at some point of the day its so in flamed you can not feel my spine on one side. So after our session I got this amazing massage form a girl friend here. She used a cocnut oil and gave me the massage on my back patio so that I could have my own space and we put on some Enya as she did a session on me. Its was so relaxing..

Friday – today was very eventful!! It started out with it as a day off no class and I had made no plans… in the ended I ended up having a full day! It started with breakfast at 8am with coffee.. mmm then mitra a friend here was giving acupuncture massage and he offered that if I wanted I could put my name down for a session and he would give me it for free so I did … my session was at 12 30 … then at 2 pm !! we had a lesion here at hacienda on how to use a pen golem and how to do dousing…. It was amazing and I coul pin point where there was water running through the Buddha hall under ground.. Mean I could find water source any where if I needed to now! And we also learnt hor to find other typed of energy… and if there was a lingering spirit or energy source how to clear it!! I took note and am hoping to practice this more in Vancouver !

As for the pen golem we learnt how to make one and use it .. how to teach it what is yes and what is no and put our own energy into it…. Then use it as a source for yes or no questions… for example …if I wanted to I could ask my pen golem “ have I mad the right desision to go home at this time?” if the pen golem sways in a line this means yes…. If it sways in a circle it means no .. and if it makes the movement of a X then this means its uncertain and you should ask another question or make your question more precise.

At this point my day was not over… 5 Rhythms dance was to start at 6pm but as my back started to hurt last time I did it I decided that I would sit out this session… as beth and I listened to music in our cabina and I paced around not knowing what to do other then write in purple marker on a big green leafy plan out the back porch inspirational words.. we pondered what to do and we decided to go out! We walked to the Bahia pizza aria ! this women who lives in Italy and comes here for a few months at a tiem grew up with a bread making family and makes home made pizzas with a wood burning over and mm are they ever good!! Then tried to burn off a bit of it by walking home …

Now I sit here in my bed frustrated as I can not get online nor can I get my cell phone to work… and feeling so far from civilization…xo M …

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

two weeks to go and focusing on me myself and i...

Well 2 weeks to go.. and its been a tough go this past week with a soar back that is still there and a upset tummy... today i spemnd all after noon in the feadal posstion in bed curled up sleeping till it was time to get up and give a session.. but before this i had to recieve a session from my partner when all i realy wanted was to go to bed and have no one touch me nor did i want to give so i sucked it up and lay down and took the session.. but she could tell that my energy was just not there i could not stay still i was moving every chance i got eithere iwth bringing my knees to my chest or my arm up overe my eyes.. and the end of the session she asked me ok whats wrong why were you not here for that session i could tell all you wanted was to get off the table and run ? i told her how i was not feeling well so later tonight when i had to give me the first thing she said was i knwo you are not feeling well do you mind if we ask a teacher to step in and give me my massage as i can feel your energy is not there and if some one is not wanting to give or resieve they should not have to... well it didnt happen all the teachers were bizzy so she was stuck with me .. mean while my tummy during the hole session was groweling she thought it was the dog most the time but it was me... she siad at least i knew my moves for tomorrow but that sh ecould tell i just wanted to go back to my room.. i just hope that i can be on for my client 100% tomorrow as my tummy is still acting up... i have not yet felt tierd to fall asleep as i nepped all after noon but i have been rocking out to some tunes to pump my energy up good songs do that to me!!

unfortunetly in my room i cant blame the dog for any sounds my body may make... its all me poor Beth lol But i swear its mostly all tummy not gass... lol..

anyways i gtg try and get some shut eye ... love you all so much and loving that you are all following my blog!!

i just found out that another friend of mine from the past has been following as well and she is in costa rica what a smalll world!!!

amzing how the world brings ppl together!

anyways thinking of all of you friends and family.. xox

sweet dreams ,M

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

got more then i bargend for in session #6....

Well all day we were practicing new moves and doing round robbins as we would rotate partners through out the day.. one of my partners what my clients mom and she and i were practicing a move on the bum. I was lying on the table face down ad she started with a hold in the center of my right but cheek and then was to slide down to the butt cravest that meets your thigh... well she has a Dog that is a little minature chawowa and he was running around so she had asked me if it was ok to place him inbetween my legs as he would fall asleep.... little did i know he would finish off the move with a bang... you see we use a organic cream and when mahi creamed me up and then started to do the hold her Dog... decided he wanted to try the cream... so what did he do since he was in between my legs started licking from my thigh & right up the bum... lol... i jumped and she started to laugh and then ppl around started to catch on... as she didnt want to pull out of this deep hold too fast the dog got a few too many licks and it ended up being show...

when mahi went home later in the day to practice on her husband her dog again wanted to sit up on the table between her husbands leg's well she had to tell him the story and he quite enjoyed it and got a few giggles out of it...

little to say the dog didnt lick its dad's bum... only mine...

I must say the wierdest things happen too me...

xox hope you enjoyed the story two!

well... Time has come to make a desision... should i stay or should i go...

Its been a amzing Ride here in cost rica i have changed from the inside out and grown so much... i had been strugling as my course is comming too a end and only have 2 weeks left now... and trying to decide where this jurney would lead me.

i thought that since i had made such a great connection with ppl here i would stay what a great opprotunity to trade body work and practice what we had just learnt or to go home and take some time to settle in and bring this life style to life in vancouver ...

as i pondered day and night i relized that my head was researching places to live in costa rica and in Nicaragua and trying to find some one to live with but things just were not solid.. i felt either that i was becoming a burrdon to some ones plans or that others were still not sure what they wanted to do and to make a decision at this point was not a option...

as i thought about this i asked my self ... Michaela what do you want in life where do you see your self... what is your dream..

my heart kept telling me HOME... deep down though i knew that to stay was such a opprotunity why would i not wanna stay in the sun and heat and live in a little villa and practice my massage in a surf town who wouldnt want that??

But .. when i look at it my heart is not there i am pulled to go home why?? well i love home i love my family and miss them i miss having ppl i love around me... i also relized that i want to creat so badly this life i have been living here in costa rica in vancouver... in a stress free and loving enviroment that is healthy and supportive.

after the course i will be flying home around the 20th of this month. I have how ever given up my appartment and will be living with my rents for a bit as i work on a clientel base and practice the work i have just learnt . i will be charging 40$ for a hour session when i get home there will be 10 sessions for who ever is interested. i will not have the burdon of bills and will be starting a yoga practica and a meditation practice in van when i get home if any one is interested in a meditaion practice i would love to start a group even if its once a week in the mornings.

life is a amazing gift and you never know how long you will be here for what i have found is that i love this life i love this rebalencing and i only want to learn more and more and further my practice in massage... maybe next year i will find another massage course i can take to brawden my harisen... but for now i will be living breathing rebalencing.. and focusing on me and creating a blissful life around me and the ones i love!

i am so excited to share this with all of you and know when i come home a few of you will be like ok where is michaela ... lol as ive definetly changed and some times when i wake up, i think god what happened to the girl i came here as.. but am so glad for the changes that have happened!

I wants to thank every one here at Hocienda and all my friends i met in the cleans for going through this process with me and being such a support.. especaily Beth! love you xox

for now my heart is in VANCOUVER .... where the ocean flows the mountains curve and the rain cleanses!

love you all so much and thank you for your support ... my jurney is far from over and i knwo these next two weeks will be very intensive but am so happy to have a desision made and excited for the next step in my jurney!

xox M

Monday, 2 January 2012

done session 5 half way through deep tissue!!

I can not believe it we are half way through session 5!!

time is just flying by!! and on to session 6... we are all awaiting to see what session 6 will bring as the italian stalian came to hocienda awaiting thsi session as when he looked up session 6 on the internet its showed that you go into the bum hole and in another session even the vagina ... but im sorry to say those days are over and the program does not consist of these moves any more.. when he asked the teachers about theses moves they were caught a little off gaurd as he was seriouse.... and they had to say " ahh i dont think so..." another move that use to be done was up the nose... how invasve lol....

I can say i think at least 99% of us here are happy that we do not entail these moves in our sessions anay more... but still curiouse what will be involed as today in deep tissue ... session # 5 there was a hold under the pubic bone... HELLO... yes we gotta a little bit closer with our cliends...

If any of you have the chance to have 10 sessions from me you will see that this hold is actualy amazing and feels realy good... my client today didnt even know where this bone was so when i told her ok well im gonna go in ok? she was a littel nervice but after wards said how amazing it was and how she trust's me ...

its was very cool!!

with each session the hold get deeper and deeper... it is so cool to be able to give them all in order.. and see how our clients appirance and stance changes through this process...

I am how ever having a little trouble with my back as it is out... I have pain from the top of my vertabray down to the middle of my lower back... it was so painful i had to stop practicing tonight and just recieve ... Rough

anyways its bed time..

miss you all xox M

Sunday, 1 January 2012

a song by PINK...

Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets
'Cause you're the only one that I know who'll keep
Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets
I know you'll keep them, and this is what I've

I've been a bad, bad girl for so long
I don't know how to change what went wrong
Daddy's little girl when he went away
What did it teach me? That love leaves

Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets
'Cause you're the only one that I know who'll keep
Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets
I know you'll keep them, so this is what I've
[ Lyrics from: ]
I've been down every road you could go
I made some bad choices as you know
Seems I have the whole world cradled in my hands
But it's just like me not to understand

Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets
'Cause you're the only one that I know who'll keep
Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets
I've been a bad, bad girl

I learned my lessons
I turned myself around
I've got a guardian angel tattooed on my shoulder

She's been watching over me

Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets
'Cause you're the only one that I know who'll keep
Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets
I've been a bad, bad girl

Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets
'Cause you're the only one that I know who'll keep
Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets
I've been a bad, bad girl

I've been a bad, bad girl





Happy 2012

well what a night it was!! at 730 pm we walked our way down to black beach where we were met with burning candle light and a big ban fire as Amanada the Burning Lady stoof a few feet away awaiting her faitle moment to go up in flames and burn all of our 2011 disswants away and make room for the new beggining of 2012!

i made heart shaped memories of 2011 that i wansted to let go and a few that had what i wanted for 2012 ... the blue resembled the past and yellow the new beginning...

about 35 ppl were at the new years even and its ended a little be fore 12pm so we all walked up to a little pizze ria where we kicked off the night with a big italian Pizza and a glass of sangria! the women that owns this place is from Italy and only speaks italian and spansh but still was rocking out good Vibes!

the night finished with a walk home at 1:15 am down the dirt road ... taking in every bit of the night the spiders in the grass on the side of the road that glowed as the flash light shawn on them and the lights that shawn so bright a head of us and i even was able to find the big dipper upside down!

i had a amazing sleep and know that this year is filled with oly love and good vibes around the world!

love you all xox M