Monday, 16 January 2012

4 full days left here in costa rica!

wow .. its wrapping up so fats here i just can not believe it!

tonight a few of us girls left hacienda at 2pm and headed out to a hotel where they had a pool and restaurant looking over the ocean and sun set!! we swam and a few cock tails and reminisced about out trip here and how much we have all changed.

i had two realy cool chats with these two women who gave me such cool comments!! one told me how it seams as we all have our own compass and and said that she see's her self and a few others zig zagging and when she looks at me she see's me in one direction ... then we got to talking about the future and she told me she can see me getting married in a year or two ... and she says two because one is so soon but could def see it in one!! and its just so weird cuz as i have said before i two have this strong feeling that this could happen ... its a gut feeling and other ppl are having this feeling to witch is so cool!!

the other complement i got was that I am so grounded and non judgmental here that the girls find me so easy to be around and talk to. and i was just saying to some one here that i feel like i have learn't here to have no expectations so that when some one does some thing or acts a certain way i am not disappointed or critiquing... doesnt mean i dont get annoyed by ppls actions but that i know that the annoyance is my own thing.. some thing they are doing is triggering me... and rather then putting blame looking at my self...

so very big things going on today!!!

then we got back from our little trip out and came to class and we learn't all about the business side of our course how to start up your own practice. how to be professional. how much to charge. what you need to creat a session... and so much more!!

just amazing how much we are realy learning here !!

anyways i gtg almost bed time and i have a few pics to post of today as well ..

love you all lots xox m

ps always looking for referrals!!

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