Tuesday, 3 January 2012

well... Time has come to make a desision... should i stay or should i go...

Its been a amzing Ride here in cost rica i have changed from the inside out and grown so much... i had been strugling as my course is comming too a end and only have 2 weeks left now... and trying to decide where this jurney would lead me.

i thought that since i had made such a great connection with ppl here i would stay what a great opprotunity to trade body work and practice what we had just learnt or to go home and take some time to settle in and bring this life style to life in vancouver ...

as i pondered day and night i relized that my head was researching places to live in costa rica and in Nicaragua and trying to find some one to live with but things just were not solid.. i felt either that i was becoming a burrdon to some ones plans or that others were still not sure what they wanted to do and to make a decision at this point was not a option...

as i thought about this i asked my self ... Michaela what do you want in life where do you see your self... what is your dream..

my heart kept telling me HOME... deep down though i knew that to stay was such a opprotunity why would i not wanna stay in the sun and heat and live in a little villa and practice my massage in a surf town who wouldnt want that??

But .. when i look at it my heart is not there i am pulled to go home why?? well i love home i love my family and miss them i miss having ppl i love around me... i also relized that i want to creat so badly this life i have been living here in costa rica in vancouver... in a stress free and loving enviroment that is healthy and supportive.

after the course i will be flying home around the 20th of this month. I have how ever given up my appartment and will be living with my rents for a bit as i work on a clientel base and practice the work i have just learnt . i will be charging 40$ for a hour session when i get home there will be 10 sessions for who ever is interested. i will not have the burdon of bills and will be starting a yoga practica and a meditation practice in van when i get home if any one is interested in a meditaion practice i would love to start a group even if its once a week in the mornings.

life is a amazing gift and you never know how long you will be here for what i have found is that i love this life i love this rebalencing and i only want to learn more and more and further my practice in massage... maybe next year i will find another massage course i can take to brawden my harisen... but for now i will be living breathing rebalencing.. and focusing on me and creating a blissful life around me and the ones i love!

i am so excited to share this with all of you and know when i come home a few of you will be like ok where is michaela ... lol as ive definetly changed and some times when i wake up, i think god what happened to the girl i came here as.. but am so glad for the changes that have happened!

I wants to thank every one here at Hocienda and all my friends i met in the cleans for going through this process with me and being such a support.. especaily Beth! love you xox

for now my heart is in VANCOUVER .... where the ocean flows the mountains curve and the rain cleanses!

love you all so much and thank you for your support ... my jurney is far from over and i knwo these next two weeks will be very intensive but am so happy to have a desision made and excited for the next step in my jurney!

xox M

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