what a jurney it has been ... left san hose at 730 am and flew to atlanta where there was a thunder storm awaiting our arrival as we arrived we were told there was a closure to the air port and we had to fly in the air for 1.5 hours till the storm passed ... as we got off i had to then find my luggage and re check into the us!! its was a very big process... then flew from atlanta where my next destonation was minniapolis it was funny cuz the hole 3 rides i sat next to men .... my first flight from san jose i sat with two old men whos wives were sitting on the other row ... then the next flight to minniapolis was a mad who was going to work in alaska !! and a another man that only stayed a few mins as he got bumpped to buisness class... but very cute funny thing was i got caught reading a book called bodymind ... and i was on the chapter of sex and oragsims and both of them were reading over my sholder didnt take long till they were asking what are you reading lol.. i shrugged it off with ho just a massage book... the guy going to alaska then chatted me up saying he has always wanted to get in that line of work... very funny as he was the most burley man i have ever seen... next was my flight out of minniapolis to vancouver where i was sitting with 4 guys all offering me gum and chatting me up again i pulled out the book and started reading and the guy sitting next to me this time asked is it ok to read over your shoulder lol... so funny . we ended up chatting the hold flight his name is greg and i gave him my e mail... very nice guy he then though got so into the book he took it right out of my hands and started reading he was very interested and i pin pointed the good ;) parts lol...
so if any of you fellow class mate are reading this pull out the book and hello men!!! lol
after a realy long day ... mom picked me up and we went for a realy nice dinner wheer i then thought i might surpire my gf's and meet them at rusters but as i was getting ready and mom looked up the google map we relized just how far it was!!
unfortunetly i was un able to go....
now i sit in a bed with fire burning and no bug net .... looking forward what tomorrow bring sand loving the feeling of home !
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