Last night and im guessing all day today it will and has been raining ... all i wanna do is stay in bed its very peaceful as the rain hits out cabana roofs made of tin... and out rooms are open just coverd with mesh soo the fresh air is amazing.. ive coverd my self with three blankets and gotten all cozy as i could not stay out side after i rang my dong... right now i would usualy be doing yoga but this monring as i sat in meditaion my body was telling me to come back to bed so that what i did! I have to say its amazing the results us three have gotten being here for two weeks !! are body look different and we feel very different. I think were all very grounded and intune with our body's .. the most powerful thing i have learnt is to let go of thoughts .. all those thoughts that fill your head they can be negitive or judgemental and some time good but at the wrong time like when your suppose to be listning to some one. I have learnt to take three very deep breaths and they are gone ! its amazing ...
last night i had a bit of a imberissing moment we were doing this practice where you have a partner and you listen to your partner with ears on your heart .. you are not to say any thing back no nodd your head just listen after 5 minutes of them talking about the present moment you resite to them what they have siad and then your partner does the same for you. well my partner and i had been so seriouse all week i wanted to make her laugh ... so as we sat across from every one and she looked at me with a strait face i said "well right now i feel HORNEY!" she cracked up .. and then i couldnt stop lauhing so i went with it my next line was "why arent there moreboys here " and " those monkeys i saw today they had these balls i mean they were so big and saggy" omg we laughed and laughed ...well at the end of our sessions menlha then asked every one does any one wanna say any thing about your sessions... my partner put up her had as i watched i was thiinging to my self what could she have to say ! and she blerts out "my partner is horney!" omg ... i went beat red as it was a joke just trying to make her laugh one girl after hearing thsi said aw you poor thing .. i think i have learnt my lession lol... just stick to the program . as every one elt's sessions were all very seriouse and some even were crying.
why do i get my self in these sticky situations ha ha ha ... oh well this morning i woke up and breathed it out ... but had to tell you all !!
love ya lots xox
from rainy costa rica!
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