Thursday, 22 December 2011

5:30am rise and shine

well started my day off a little different to day as you all know yesterday and in some places today is winter solstice! so a few girls and i had a ceremony ... we let go of what we dont want in our lives any more ..this could be a feeling a person a action.. any thing really and either blew our intention into the leaf or wrote on the leaf.... i decided to write as i like to have a visual and i watched as our leafs floated down a little river... we also gave offering to a grandfather tree.. it was amazing then held on to the tree as we asked the new light to praise us with a helping had of what we would like in our lives...

here are a few pictures...

i gave the river a offering of a flower the tree a offering of a shell and the wrote my unwanted thoughts and actions on the leaves ..

holding the tree and letting in the new light!

this morning before we left to walk to the river i asked the goddess cards for guidance in what i should ask for ... & it said "the love you share is eternal regardless of the situation" the goddess card what named..ISPLT :meaning undying love.

after this we had meditation at 7am ... we only had half a hour to meditate today as we have client coming for a session.. it was so interesting as i was feeling really good after but during meditation lying down in silence i tried to close my eyes but my eyes wanted to be open and tears just streamed down my face.. i felt like i was letting go of all i had let drift down the river .. like the process had begun!

wo knows what the rest pf the day will bring but wanted to share this with ... i will also post a few more photo's!

love you all soo much xox M

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