Tuesday, 20 December 2011

SESSION #3 ...

woke up this morning to do meditation... but had other things on my mind like the weird dreams i was having last night... like i had a dream that my two bottom front teeth fell out... it felt so real and i didnt know what to do since i was in costa rica i can recall in the dream calling home and asking what to do ..lol...i have since looked it up and there are so many different opinions about what this means in a dream... but the most popular says that you are embarrassed or have anxiety about some thing in your life... i have not yet pin pointed what this would come from.. or the meaning behind it but.. if you find any more about this i would love to hear about it...

after that we had class ... today we have learnt about session #3 this is all about the heart and opening up... it is very detailed and so far this morning only got to practice 5 moves and tonight we only have a hour each... so a little nervous and anxious .. as tomorrow we have to give each other a 2 hour session... so today is all we get to practice... seems like we are all feeling this way about this session like there is not enough time.. i guess i could have practiced but in sted i needed some time alone... soo i went in the mud bath and tanned alone listening to mariah carey it was awesome felt really good to have some space... after this that is when i came back to my room to find a family of monkeys ... witch i posted pictures of!

so that's kinda my day in a nut shell... its 4:11 pm and thinking i might have a quick nap and then freshen up for dinner and get back into practicing my moves!

love you all lots xox M

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