Sunday, 18 December 2011

all in one day - body work , boogie boarding & christmas decorating!!

Oh Boy what a day!!

started out with a 1.5 hour of body work being done on me ... then headed off to the beach to boogie board, where once we got there we realized that we had gimped board they were broken in the middle needless to say we still bade it work... Beth and i did bail once though I taking a nose dive into the sand as i tryed to catch a wave but the board dug into the sand then into my tummy leaving a red welt.. and Beth well she was rocking the waves till one rocked her lol she hit a large wave witch toppled her like a washing machine but she got right up and charged back into a new wave...

we have come back to hacienda and are now blogging as we await for dinner and class listening to Christmas carols and the mass sounds of monkeys in the back ground behind out Christmas tree...

and Oh boy am i every excited for tonight the decorating of the Buddha hall!!! pictures will be on there way tonight !!

lots of love chat soon.. xox M

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