well they say that you are suppose to spend Christmas on the beach when you are in a hot country!! so this is what i did !!
in the morning we all gathered around the big bamboo Christmas tree and exchanged gifts as secret Santa !!it was so much fun .. i got a lot ... a bottle of honey a poem from my secret Santa a few necklaces from Casey and Beth gave me a really cool pair of glass earnings...
now why the honey you may ask ?... well we have circle every Friday morning and this past sat i brought up a need ..lol... i asked menlha why they stopped putting out honey as this was a need i needed i did not want to keep eating eggs as i never do at home and that i would love just to have toast with honey!! well Christmas morning my prayers had been answered i was soo happy!! as i was a little disappointed with menlha's answer go buy it if you want it...
then some thing really funny happened ... beth had been my seacret santa but i really id not know this till i opened my gift and saw that it was a poem and it was signed off at the bottom rumi... well i thought that beth signed it like that as roomie ... lol.. so when i turned to thank he she was very confused how i could tell it was from her as the poem was a by Rumi..lol she kept thinking how could michaela know it was me ... when we got back to our room we had our own little gift exchange... and beth lay down in her bed and blurted out soo michaela how did you knwo that the secret santa gift was from me? i said do you really wanna know?? i said you signed it off Rumi... she had a great laugh out of that...
the poem Beth made for me ....
after our lunch 6 of us made our way down to the beach it was so much fun we stayed there till sun set where we swam in the ocean watching the sun go down a beautiful way to finish the day!!
playing in the sand!
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